Research for an Inclusive Economy

About the Research

In ژوئيه of 2023, We Prosper Together began a collaborative research process to conduct a holistic assessment of the Capital Region’s economic, climate, and public health as part of the California Jobs First program. This body of research, referred to as Regional Plan Part 1, assesses key assets, opportunities, and challenges in the Capital Region. It also captures the beginnings of a shared philosophy and framework for a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous economy.

The release of this research doesn’t mark the end of our work together. Our next step is to determine how we can meet the opportunities, leverage our strengths, and address the challenges presented in these analyses. We are also conducting community engagement through the first half of 2024 to ensure these findings are reflective of the lived experiences of our communities. This next phase demands collective action, where diverse perspectives converge to devise innovative solutions and implement targeted solutions.

Dive into the Data

We aim to create a diverse range of tools and documents designed to offer multiple avenues for interacting with and exploring this data. We hope this will empower our communities to engage in a way that is most suited to their own needs and curiosities. You'll find the initial products below, with additional resources coming soon.
Community Summary

The Basics: The Community Summary is a great resource for those who are new to economic development or just want to know the key highlights.

Executive Summary

Short and Sweet: The Executive Summary provides a concise overview of the purpose, key findings, methodologies, and implications of the research.

Full Report

Going Deep: The Full Report offers comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the research for those who are interested in the full breadth of findings.



Interactive Data Book

Engaging and Dynamic: The Interactive Data Book is great for those who are visual learners. Navigate through various data visualizations, and filter information based on your interests.


Priority Industry Clusters

Explore Further: This interactive data book introduces our region’s priority industry clusters, their importance to our region’s economy, and their alignment with the existing talent in our region.

Research Vision

our communities, industry leaders, and policymakers with tools for informed advocacy and decision-making.


our region around a shared understanding of our collective identity while also acknowledging our diversity.


future research and innovation by providing novel data and more inclusive methodologies.

Share Your Voice

We know there will be many perspectives about the data. We want to hear them. Our Collaborative meetings, committtees, and community events are great ways to provide your feedback and strengthen the research to ensure it is relevant and transformative.

ما با هم موفق

Lead Research Partner

A special thank you to our Brookings-affiliated Lead Research Partner, Cities GPS, for the extensive research and analysis conducted to produce these products.
Marek Gootman

مدیر پروژه

Rachel Barker

Project Manager and Stakeholder Engagement / Qualitative Research

Chad Shearer

Quantitative Research

Jessica A. Lee, Ph.D.

Qualitative Research

Research Advisory Ad Hoc Committee Members

We also want to thank our Research Advisory Ad Hoc Committee members who graciously offered their feedback and time to vet the data over a six month period.