Building Careers Foundation
Building Careers Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to become the residential construction industry’s main vehicle to resolve its workforce development issues within Northern California. We address these needs through our PIPER framework - Promotions, Internships, Placements, Education & Research. We work with community-based organizations, education agencies and government workforce and social service organizations to attract, train, and place people into high wage, high opportunity jobs in the professions, trades, and business segments of the industry. We also work with industry employers and training providers to develop approaches to retain employees and provide upskill training and career advancement opportunities in the industry. The Building Careers Foundation’s value is in its network of contacts and construction industry workforce development experience. It has a working relationship with 523 construction industry employers, over 92 education and training programs including apprenticeship, community colleges, and community-based organizations in eight counties of the Capitol region. Since before incorporation starting in 2005 they have developed career exploration, work readiness preparation, professional, trade, and operational training programs at the middle school, secondary, and post-secondary communities. They have prepared and placed veterans, homeless, justice involved, high risk youth and young adults, among the special populations.
Member Details:
- Name:
- Jennifer Poff
- Email:
- Jennifer@northstatebia.org
- Website:
- http://www.building-careers.org/
- County:
- Placer