A Reimagined Economy For Our Communities, By Our Communities

Catalyst RFP

The Catalyst Pre-Development Project Request for Proposals (RFP) is now closed! Click here to learn more.

We Prosper Together

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A new approach to inclusive economies.

We Prosper Together is bridging together eight counties surrounding California’s capital to build a stronger regional economy. Building on the California Jobs First program, we are working to uplift our communities, encourage investment in the region, and create living-wage jobs.

Wild flower along the South Yuba River in California

We are bringing together the diverse voices, strengths, and ideas from across the region.


We are growing our collective knowledge to create an inclusive economy for our communities.


Moving towards a brighter future where we can all prosper requires us all to show up.

Together, we can transform our communities and create a sustainable future where we can all prosper.

We are at a pivotal moment. Industries are transforming to meet the demand of new technologies and a changing climate and economy. This is our opportunity to shape a workforce that meets the needs of our future and an economy that works for everyone.

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