Juma Ventures
Our organization is a Community Based Organization – Juma is a nonprofit social enterprise that operates businesses with the purpose of employing young people. Through our signature YouthConnect program, we make sure they EARN a paycheck, LEARN to manage their money and gain essential skills like responsibility, teamwork and how to communicate in the workplace. Ultimately, we CONNECT them to their next job and set them on a path to a career. Juma’s mission is to strive to break the cycle of poverty by paving the way to work, education, and financial capability for youth. Our organization brings to the table 30 years of agency experience in youth development and social enterprise operations and has served youth in Sacramento beginning in the fall of 2016 with the opening of the Golden 1 Center. Since launching, Juma Sacramento has employed over 575 youth who have worked 50,000 hours, and learned more than $800,000 in wages and Stipends, and have expanded our social enterprise operations to Sutter Health Park, Heart Health Park, and Toyota Amphitheatre in the area. All Juma Sacramento are low-income 16-24 year old young adults, and most have been part of the foster care system, faced homelessness, and/or are disconnected from school and work. To address these barriers, Juma’s Youth Connect program combines employment and job training at our social enterprises. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9E7DC31B-CB3E-4101-B26C-65D10FAD0795 with a complementary suite of services focused on building financial capability and career pathways toward middle-skills careers and a living wage.
Member Details:
- Name:
- Stephen Norris
- Email:
- stephen@juma.org
- Website:
- https://www.juma.org/sacramento/
- County:
- Sacramento