Sutter Buttes Land Trust
Our organization is a 501(c)(3) non-profit whose mission is to protect and maintain the natural and agricultural resources of the Sutter Buttes and the surrounding region for present and future generations. The land trust works with various partners to protect natural resources, balancing conservation with economic growth, flood protection, and water quality to help plan better communities. We also provide outreach and educate to the local community on land conservation, stewardship, and our connection to the land. Our organization has over 30 years of experience and knowledge in land conservation, land planning, and stewardship of natural resources. Conservation focus areas include the protection of farmland, timberland, habitat, ecologically significant or sensitive habitat areas, wildlife corridors, grazing land, or public recreation. The land trust works with private landowners, local agencies, and other organizations to address regional conservation and land management needs across Colusa, Sutter, and Yuba counties.
Member Details:
- Name:
- Lisa Lindman
- Email:
- executivedirector@sutterbutteslandtrust.org
- Website:
- https://www.sutterbutteslandtrust.org/
- County:
- Sutter