California Jobs First,前身為社區經濟彈性基金 (CERF),是一項耗資 6 億美元的全州倡議,旨在支援和促進區域經濟彈性,為所有加州人創造可訪問的高品質就業機會。We Prosper Together 的工作建立在 California Jobs First 的基礎上。
We Prosper Together is building an economy that represents and meets our community needs, building community resilience and allowing our families to thrive for generations. Our key goals include creating a collaborative to make collective decisions, co-designing a shared roadmap to a thriving economy that is tailored to our community needs, attracting investments to support our region for generations, and creating accessible living wage jobs in a sustainable economy.
We Prosper Together 設想一個包容和有彈性的經濟,代表並滿足我們的社區需求,使家庭能夠世代相傳。
We’re building an economy that works for all of us and that requires an approach that is led by our communities, their priorities, and their voices. We understand that folks are busy, but there is space for all to join We Prosper Together, no matter the level of commitment. Your involvement can range from something as small as interacting with us on social media or taking a survey, to something larger, such as attending a community meeting or joining the Collaborative.
We Prosper Together 遵循 California Jobs First 設定的撤資社區的定義,該定義考慮了這些社區面臨的許多挑戰,這些挑戰是由於不公平的土地使用和分區政策、排他性的經濟發展過程、投資不足以及缺乏與社區居民在規劃和政策決策中有意義的參與。閱讀更多關於加州工作對投資不足社區的第一個完整定義(第 9 頁)。
We understand transparency is key. We are committed to ensuring our work is as accessible as possible to community members. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn, as well as subscribe to our monthly newsletter for regular updates on our progress toward building an inclusive and resilient regional economy. Check out our events page for information on subregional meetings and other events open to the public. If you have specific questions, please reach out to us at